Gorilla Marketing

I’m walking down the sidewalk on the Las Vegas strip a year ago with some associates. Out from behind a bush springs a man in a Gorilla suit screaming at me and my associates like a wild beast. Said Gorilla then runs away with an accomplice carrying a video camera. We’d been punked by a stranger. I yelled out, “don’t you want me to sign a release?”

I receive a number of marketing newsletters. I keep up on the latest trends and movements in the copyrighting, internet marketing and social networking worlds. A marketing newsletter for which I had made no request showed up the other day, for the third time.

I did a little searching in my bank statement and found I’d been charged. I tried to comb through the slender hairs of recent memory to discover what I may or may not have missed via opt-outs, pre-checked forms or inadvertent clicks in my online purchases.

I finally found the culprit. Man is he good. I didn’t see it coming. I don’t subscribe to anything of his but he was behind a recent video offer which I ordered . Got the video, watched it, end of story. Then a free newsletter comes. Predictable. Then another. Then when a third shows up I start looking for a charge and sure enough there it is. He’d used the financial info I used to buy the video to sign me up for his marketing newsletter.

Which was worse, Guerilla or Gorilla? In this case, I felt the same. Surprised. Startled. A little miffed. Only with the Guerilla, I was already on the lookout. He still got me. To this day I didn’t see where I’d signed up. I never had that intention. And that is the point of today’s entry. Is this behavior winning my ongoing business? Of course not. Would I buy a video with myself getting startled by a large man in a Gorilla suit? Odds are better of buying that video than subscribing, or continuing to subscribe in this case, to a Guerilla marketer who ambushes my bank account through marketing slight of hand.
I don’t watch his channel anymore.

3 responses to “Gorilla Marketing

  1. Wow, that is a horrible thing to have happen. I wouldn’t call it Guerrilla marketing though it sounds more like fraud. I know some great Guerilla marketers and I know that they don’t endorse that kind of behavior.
    You crafted that story very well.

  2. The fraud part has not been part of my thinking. They are too careful, and I had received two free newsletters. My assumption is a price presentation strategy gone wrong. They probably buried it so well, I didn’t see it. I’m willing to take that responsibility. But my point stands…if you bury your price so well people don’t know they are getting piggy-backed with extras which cost $, the surprise factor loses the customer via jumping apes syndrome mentioned in the post.

  3. Gorllia ambush hit me too. I was not happy. Tried to tackle the guy.

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